After three years and ten novels, my first non-fiction book is now available on Amazon. I set out to write a short article for this blog, summarizing some past posts, but it kinda grew too big. This isn't a how-to book, I don't offer any magical incantations for success, other than common-sense planning, hard work, and determination.
What I do offer is a logical approach for aspiring and new authors to achieve their dream of earning a living as an author. No guarantees, just a few tips, observations, mistakes to avoid, and a lot of what I hope will motivate the reader. And people tell me I'm not devoid of all humor.
So, if you've been thinking about writing your first book, or have several published and need a little motivation to keep on keeping on, I wrote this for you.
I just got a copy of "Blue Collar No Collar". This is an excellent book for someone like me who is just starting to write. I could not get my story going for being locked on how to publish my book when and if I got the book down in print. Once I read "Blue Collar No Collar", most all of my questions were answer by Wayne. With the pressure of "how" now pretty much answered after years of staring at blank sheets of paper, I've now got around 15000 words and a decent beginning to my first ever book. Thanks for the great advice Wayne.